Cool is a really wishy-washy category. What is cool anyway? I think each one of these destinations is cool and interesting in their own way. This made it hard to rank, but I think most people can agree that these are worth visiting if you are traveling here. South Side bars are not for everyone and get a bit of a bad reputation due to college overflow on the weekends. And I’m sure some of you are shocked to there the national Aviary is located here. If you only have time for one or two things, Kennywood is a fantastic small amusement park with a historical twist.

10. Bicycle Heaven
09. North Shore
08. National Aviary
07. Heinz History Museum
06. Inclines and Overlook
05. South Side Bars
04. Gateway Clipper
03. Allegheny Passage Trail
02. Randyland
01. Kennywood Park